Blood group testing


Blood group testing


The main purpose of conducting this experiment is to understand the basic concept of the ABO blood group system and to know our blood group and type.

Materials Required

  • Toothpicks
  • Blood sample
  • Alcohol Swabs
  • Lancet
  • Clean glass slide
  • Sterile cotton balls
  • Biohazard disposal container
  • Monoclonal Antibodies (Anti-A, B, and D)

All these equipment will be readily available in a blood test tool kit.


  • Take a clean glass slide and draw three circles on it.
  • Unpack the Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB) kit. In the first circle add Anti-A, to the second circle add Anti-B and to the third circle add Anti-D with the help of a dropper.
  • Keep the slide aside safely without disturbing.
  • Now wipe the ring finger with the alcohol swabs and rub gently near the fingertip, where the blood sample will be collected.
  • Prick the ring fingertip with the lancet and wipe off the first drop of the blood.
  • As blood starts oozing out, allow it to fall on the three circles of the glass slide by gently pressing the fingertip.
  • Apply pressure on the site where it was pricked and to stop blood flow. Use the cotton ball if required.
  • Mix the blood sample gently with the help of a toothpick and wait for a minute to observe the result.

     Anti-A               Anti-B             Anti-D        


Here is the chart which predicts the different types of blood groups along with its Rh factor.

Blood Type   A   B   O   AB
Rh-positive   A+   B+   O+   AB+
Rh-negative   A-   B-   O-   AB-


Discard the alcohol swabs, lancet, cotton balls and toothpick after their use. Drop all the materials, including the glass slide into the biohazard disposal container after observing the result.

As mentioned above, there are four major blood groups and eight different blood types, collectively called the ABO Blood Group System. The groups are based on the presence or absence of  two specific antigens and antibodies– A and B:

  1. Group A- Antigen A and Antibody B.
  2. Group B- Antigen B and Antibody A.
  3. Group AB- Antigen A and B both and no Antibodies
  4. Group O- No Antigens and both A and B Antibodies.

Other than this, there is a third kind of antigen called the Rh factor. Based on the presence or absence of this antigen (Rh factor), the four blood groups are classified into eight different blood types:

  1. A positive – Presence of Rh+
  2. A negative- Presence of Rh-
  3. B positive- Presence of Rh+
  4. B negative- Presence of Rh-
  5. AB positive- Presence of Rh+
  6. AB negative- Presence of Rh-
  7. O positive- Presence of Rh+
  8. O negative- Presence of Rh-

Written by Lovepreet Singh Grewal

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