
Showing posts from September, 2023


  Blood is one of the most important components of life. Almost any animal that possesses a circulatory system has blood. From an evolutionary perspective, blood was speculated to have risen from a type of cell that was responsible for phagocytosis and nutrition. Billions of years later, blood and the circulatory system have drastically helped the evolution of more complex lifeforms. Table of Contents Types Of Blood Cells Components Of Blood Blood Vessels Functions Of Blood What is Blood? Blood is a fluid connective tissue that consists of plasma, blood cells and platelets. It circulates throughout our body delivering oxygen and nutrients to various cells and tissues. It makes up 8% of our body weight. An average adult possesses around 5-6 litres of blood. Types of Blood Cells We have seen blood consist of cells known as formed elements of blood. These cells have their own functions and roles to play in the body. The blood cells which circulate all around the body are as follows: Red


  What is Lymph? Lymph is a colourless fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system. The main role of the lymphatic system is to act as a filter against microbes, organic wastes, toxins and other debris. It carries lymphocytes throughout the body that fight against infections. In animals and human beings, extracellular fluid (fluid outside the cell) is divided into the interstitial fluid (the fluid which exists between the tissues) and plasma. It consists of small water-soluble substances which flow in between the tissue cells. Both plasma and interstitial fluid are similar due to the continuous exchange of small solutes, water and ions across the capillary walls of the  tissues . The functions of interstitial fluid are as follows: It is used to transport nutrients to the cells. It enables intercellular communication between the cells. It removes the metabolic wastes from the cells. The interstitial fluid is collected by the lymphatic system and the rest is drained out. The dr

Blood group testing

  Blood group testing Aim The main purpose of conducting this experiment is to understand the basic concept of the ABO blood group system and to know our blood group and type. Materials Required Toothpicks Blood sample Alcohol Swabs Lancet Clean glass slide Sterile cotton balls Biohazard disposal container Monoclonal Antibodies (Anti-A, B, and D) All these equipment will be readily available in a blood test tool kit. Procedure Take a clean glass slide and draw three circles on it. Unpack the Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB) kit. In the first circle add Anti-A, to the second circle add Anti-B and to the third circle add Anti-D with the help of a dropper. Keep the slide aside safely without disturbing. Now wipe the ring finger with the alcohol swabs and rub gently near the fingertip, where the blood sample will be collected. Prick the ring fingertip with the lancet and wipe off the first drop of the blood. As blood starts oozing out, allow it to fall on the three circles of the glass slide by